Insurance rates are rising across the nation and you may be concerned about purchasing home insurance for a new home. On the contrary, maybe you have an existing home and your rates have risen above what seems to be a normal increase.
How do you find affordable insurance without compromising your protection?
Those quick, cheap online insurance quotes may seem appealing, but you’ve heard too many stories that have given you reservations. You’ve heard it all, inadequate coverage, inability to contact an agent for service, surprise increases or cancellations after inspections. You want your home to be properly protected so you can have peace of mind.
What’s the Solution?
Here are some tips for maximizing your insurance dollars without sacrificing the quality of your coverage:
Consult a Trusted Choice® Agent: An experienced agent can review your policies and recommend ways to reduce your premium without compromising your protection. Two-thirds of consumers who research insurance online decide to buy their coverage from an agent.
Be Aware of Costs Up Front: Avoid sticker shock by speaking with an agent about factors that could lower or raise your rates, such as flood zones, distance to fire services, and even moving. An agent is your best resource for understanding these variables.
Do Your Deductible Diligence: Don’t be caught off guard by non-standard deductibles on your homeowner’s policy. Talk to an agent to learn more about your deductible options.
Ask and You Shall Receive: A good agent will inform you of potential discounts you may be eligible for. There are at least six different discounts that might apply to you. Equip yourself with this knowledge to save on premiums.
Good Things Come in Packages: Many carriers offer discounts for bundling your home, auto, and other personal policies with one company. This can lead to substantial savings. Ask an agent about the other benefits of packaging.
Maintain a Good Credit Record: Insurers increasingly use credit information, along with other factors such as claim history and geography, to develop an insurance score. A good credit record helps increase your insurance score, which can lower your premium.
These are just a few tips to help you get started. Contact V.F. McNeil Insurance, a local Trusted Choice® insurance agent, to request an insurance quote and learn more ways to keep your insurance costs manageable in the long run.
At V.F. McNeil Insurance, we believe that knowledge is key. The more you know, the better equipped you’ll be to make decisions that keep you properly protected and financially sound. Contact us today at (203) 481-2684. We are a Trusted Choice® independent insurance agency located in Branford, Connecticut.